ALP The Lodge wins Silver at 2024 Wilder Kent Awards
ALP The Lodge are proud to announce they have won silver at this year’s Wilder Kent Awards for their hard work in helping to create a Wilder Kent.
The awards, which was supported by the Marsh Charitable Trust, saw 87 organisations shortlisted and their efforts resulted in a staggering 120,000 people in the county receiving the nature benefits from the actions taken by the entrants.
The finalists covered four categories, businesses, community groups, schools and villages, towns and cities. 18 received the highest accolade of gold, 23 silver, 27 bronze and 19 awarded commendations. They received their awards at a special ceremony at Canterbury University on Saturday, 20th July, hosted by TV presenter and producer of Talk on the Wild Side podcast, Rob Smith.
The Wilder Kent Awards were set up by Kent Wildlife Trust in 2020 as a way of recognising and rewarding the positive actions that groups across Kent are taking in order to protect wildlife and safeguard nature for future generations.
Kent Wildlife Trust’s Tom White, said: “We were absolutely bowled away by both the quantity and quality of this year’s entries. The work that is going on in the county to create a wilder Kent is outstanding.
“When we are constantly faced with negativity about the nature and climate emergencies, it can be overwhelming, but here are 87 projects that are making a significant difference to the people living in Kent from which around 120,000 would have benefitted. From community gardens to schemes to tackle food waste and other harnessing renewable energy, these awards empower people, and demonstrate that we all have it in us to do something special that makes a difference.”
About the Wilder Kent Awards
The natural world isn’t just something for us to enjoy; it sustains us. The decline of nature puts our very survival and prosperity under threat. But it doesn’t have to be like this; together we can create a Wilder Kent.
The Wilder Kent Awards is a scheme set up to recognise and reward the work schools and community groups are doing in helping us create a #WilderKent. By taking positive actions to restore nature, they are helping to create a more climate-resilient county and provide a home for wildlife. Their action benefits us locally and helps tackle the global environmental threats we all face.
These awards are open to businesses, schools, colleges, universities, community groups and villages, towns and cities across the county. They acknowledge the hard work and action taken to create a Wilder Kent whilst ensuring that people and wildlife co-exist for future generations.
The awards are free to enter, with the actions split into four categories, businesses, schools and nurseries, community groups and towns and villages.
Benefits to entering the Wilder Kent Awards
- Spend time in the fresh air and appreciate nature.
- Help tackle ‘Nature deficit disorder’.
- Improve your health and well-being, physically and mentally.
- Personal satisfaction that you have made a real difference.
- Safeguard nature and wildlife for future generations.
- Enjoy new experiences and learn new life and craft skills.