ALP Schools Paddleboarding!

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Thanks to funding from Paddle UK –  and with potential further investment from the Duke of Edinburgh Awards –  ALP Schools had 6 staff members pass their level 1 Stand Up Paddle Instructor course last weekend!

Training was delivered by the team at Mote Park Watersports centre –  From the spring term we will be introducing ALP Schools Paddle Club, with learners in every ALP school having the opportunity to either:

– Have taster sessions in Stand Up Paddle 

– Work towards their Paddle Start, Paddle Discover and Paddle Explore Awards

– Use Stand Up Paddle as their new skills in working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award

See Our paddle experts and their specialities below:

David Cowell MBE   

School = Companywide

Specialist areas = Stepback Turns and Fins 

Gemma Evans 

School = The Lodge 

Specialist Areas = Ruddering and Boards 

Cassie Holyoak 

School = ALP Leicester 

Specialist Areas = Draw Stroke and Paddles 

Kelly Butler 

School = The Lodge 

Specialist Areas = Sculling and Leashes 

Alex Kent 

School = ALP Sittingbourne 

Specialist Areas = Forward Paddle and Wetsuits 

Theo Komp 

School = Parkview Academy 

Specialist Areas = Cross Deck Turn and the Environment 
